Benefits of


ADC Active Membership

ADC Associate Membership

President:Chris EdwardsThermaflex
Secretary/Treasurer:Walter RobisonAtco Rubber Products
Engineering Committee Chair:Ralph KoerberAtco Rubber Products
Marketing Committee Chair:Carrin JesclardQuietflex Mfg. Inc.
Executive Director:Chris JohnsonADC Headquarters
Legal Counsel:Thomas RocheKeeley, Kuenn & Reid

The ADC Engineering Committee meets regularly before the Spring and Fall Membership Meetings.  The committee members are technical and engineering staff representatives from the Active Membership.

From time to time, ADC Associate Members (suppliers) are invited to participate when the agenda addresses issues requiring Associate Member counsel and assistance.

Major areas of work center around projects, programs, and developments of: Underwriters Laboratories (UL), National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), International Code Council (ICC), and Model Codes and State Building Codes.

The ADC Marketing Committee is charged with the responsibility of developing promotional programs to advance the sale of flexible duct to residential, commercial and industrial HVAC markets.

Committee membership includes a broad base of both ADC Active and Associate Members and meets twice a year.