About ADC
FLEXIBLE AIR DUCTS: Delivering maximum performance at minimum cost
Flexible air ducts are just as effective as metal ducts, at a fraction of the cost, when installed properly. The industry’s products can be a real boon to contractors, architects, building owners, and virtually any stakeholder in a construction product, because they are both effective and cost-effective.
The key to success is a workforce of well-trained installers who know how to get the most out of flexible air ducts. The Air Duct Council offers a range of courses, guides, and information to arm installers with all the knowledge they need to successfully ply their craft in the field.
About the Air Duct Council
The Air Duct Council (ADC) advocates for the interests of the manufacturers of flexible air ducts and related products, and promotes safety, quality, efficiency, and energy conservation. The active membership of the ADC accounts for 95% of the total production and sales volume of flexible air ducts in North America.
Because quality installation is crucial to the efficacy and performance of the industry’s products, the ADC is the leading resource for training materials and programs for professional installers. It is also the keeper of industry-accepted standards and best practices for proper installation.
We encourage and support the development of credible industry standards for the installation, use and performance of flexible duct products. We promote the use of those standards by various code bodies, government agencies, architects, engineers, heating and cooling contractors, and others to serve the best interests of the public.
We help to inform our members and the public about the benefits of flexible air ducts and its safe installation.